Celebrating Weight Loss for 10 Years!

Celebrating Weight Loss for a decade today! Incredibly Slim R Us is 10 years in business today. It is all thanks to YOU! Thank you for your support, your friendship and your faith in me!
It is hard to believe it because, the 10 years have just flown by. During that time Slim R Us, based in Letterkenny, Co. Donegal has helped many people lose weight, achieve their goal, feel better, get active, and I’m so delighted. Yes, I am going to celebrate 10 years today! How did it all start, and what makes Slim R Us so different from some of the best known multinational weight loss companies?
Slim R Us is Not just a Health Coach
Karen takes her qualification as a Registered General Nurse with her knowledge of common medical conditions, particularly surrounding weight issues in to her Consultations. Years of experience, as a nurse, have given her the tools to identify with her clients. Monitoring each client’s progress, as well as a deep understanding of the psychological hurdles of being overweight, is what sets Slim R Us apart from most weight loss organisations.
Booking your Consultation in Slim R Us
So what happens in a Slim R Us Consultation? We take some time and have a little talk. We go through the issues that are affecting each person individually, because trust me, everybody is different. Pre-Covid there were many group meetings but ten years on, it is now private One-2-One consultations with each client, and every week we are celebrating weight loss.
Getting weighed in HQ, involves a full weight analysis including Body Fat percentage and Visceral fat levels. Muscle Percentages, and BMI. That along with the follow-up, support and most importantly advice! In Slim R Us, we take time to really listen to each client. Not a nod…or yeah yeah…really listen. Really understand. Everyone is totally different and different issues can affect a person’s weight each week.
What are the 3 Keys to Weight Loss?
A healthy balanced Slim R Us Menu Plan has a proven success rate. That’s not just an empty statement. It is absolutely a proven success! Every single pound, kgs and stone! Check the Slim R Us Stories – real success! A more active lifestyle is also encouraged. Behaviour modification is also necessary to continue with a healthier lifestyle.
Trying to lose weight does not have to make you miserable, or indeed what’s even worse – other people in your company! As part of this philosophy, Slim R Us over the years has been involved in many events, celebrations, fund-raisers and cookery demonstrations. The Video below is just a sample snapshot going down memory lane of the past decade of Slim R Us. I hope you enjoy it as much as all of us who took part in it!
Online Weight Loss Programmes
In 2020, Slim R Us launched a brand-new website offering weight loss programs for online members. Many thanks to the Donegal Local Enterprise Office for all their help with that. It would never have happened without their support.
What makes Slim R Us Online different from other online weight loss programmes? As well as the very successful Slim R Us Menu Plan, clients have weight loss tools such as their own personal weight tracking page, meal trackers, recipes, and video demonstrations. But what all Online Clients love is, the personal Zoom call they can book and is included in their membership. It’s very easy to do – just tap the link – select Online Zoom Member and choose your day and time!
Online membership to lose weight is really suitable for people who do not have the time to come to Consultations! Yes, even online Slim R Us members are celebrating weight loss! It is so flexible as you can weigh on the days and times that suit you. Your results are automatically monitored by Karen, so rest assured it is not just about adding results, and members are always encouraged to keep booking their Virtual Consultations.
What is a General Health Screening in Slim R Us?
The Health Screen is a very simple quiz for you to complete.
It makes you aware of how you are eating, are you snacking? How do you sleep at night? Are you struggling to turn in the bed?
Do you toss and turn all night? This is all related to weight issues.
Medical issues in relation to weight are also covered in articles on the Homepage also!
Some great Slim R Us events and memories.
There were some great nights out, the highly successful Slim R Us fashion show, Cookery Demonstrations, Fundraisers and not forgetting the time we were asked to model for the Wedding Fair! Enjoy this little trip down the Slim R Us memory lane over the past decade! I have a couple of Celebratory Videos on our Slim R Us Channel! Don’t forget, if you do pop on – give the channel a like & subscribe! It’s a great way for Slim R Us to get recognised on YouTube!