How can you Help me? I want to Start Losing Weight now!
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Popular Questions asked in Slim R Us - (FAQ)
Karen is a Registered General Nurse with experience of working in many environments in several countries. Slim R Us was founded after a lifetime of her personal battle with weight issues and the success that has followed for many people can be see in Real-Life Stories.
Slim R Us promotes a healthy eating plan by making smart choices, moderation and portion control.
Your weight fluctuates several times during the day and over the course of a week. It is recommended to weigh weekly as near as possible to the same time.
Your weight fluctuates several times during the day and over the course of a week. It is recommended to weigh weekly as near as possible to the same time.
Mary Loughrey
Being a part of Slim R Us has been a blessing in the middle
of lockdown. Karen is encouraging and gives us great
inspiration with her recipes, videos and plenty of laughs! She
keeps us all motivated with her daily Whatsapp
messages. Thanks so much Karen!
Karen makes loosing weight enjoyable, her daily recipes are delicious with ingredients you would have in the fridge /freezer or press. Of all the slimming programmes I’ve done over the years Slim R Us is definitely the best
Moya Larkin
Lorraine Coll
Karen is so understanding and very encouraging