How to lose weight fast?
How to lose weight fast is the question most often asked, but rarely is an answer found. You could not find two days, as different as chalk and cheese, as Ash Wednesday and Shrove Tuesday, otherwise known as Pancake Tuesday. Tuesday was about shovelling as many pancakes and stuffing as much chocolate as you could, before the torment of Lent! Forty days and forty nights, without chocolate. Counting down those days until the third day, when there was a general consensus, that chocolate biscuits did not ‘break lent’!
In the two weeks leading into Lent, it was the excuse needed to go on ‘a diet’. So for those two weeks, most people ate as much as they could. Minds were made up that you would lose weight fast, burn fat faster and be unrecognizable by Easter Sunday! Someone was always on hand to tell you about the best detox diet, or the best drink and how to lose weight fast. That usually involved squeezing lots of lemon into a pint of hot water!!
Healthy Eating
But the plain and simple truth about how to lose weight was staring all of us straight in the face. Simple everyday family food. Delicious recipes are so readily available and easily adapted. Food for a healthy gut and digestive system. These make your meal healthier and just as tasty. Making smart choices is the everyday call to action in Slim R Us.
Tasty Recipes
Great taste and flavour, is so important and part of a healthier lifestyle. Simple recipes like the Crab, Prawns and Hake Bake I’ve posted below. It is so simple and easy to cook. Just pile whatever vegetables you have, into an ovenproof dish. Substitute the potatoes for pasta, if preferred. Indeed, swap out the hake for salmon or any other fish. The pasta sauce is optional. It is equally nice just baking the fish and vegetables together. However, the sauce baked to a crusty topping does give it a special comfort food taste, especially in winter! When the discovery is made, on how to lose weight fast, in a healthy way to keep it off forever, I will let you know! There are lots of recipes in the recipe section of the website. While you’re here, why not try our free 3-day taster at the Health Screen.