How to Make a Quick Healthy Chocolate Dessert
How to Make a Quick Healthy Chocolate Dessert is today’s recipe suggestion! Happy Mother’s Day to all Mothers and I hope you enjoy some extra special quick healthy chocolate desserts. Slim R Us works by enjoying special occasions and celebrations without the added guilt. Mother’s Day is recognised internationally, and for very good reasons. Celebrating Breakfast in bed on Mother’s Day is a perfect start. You might enjoy the Slim R Us video tips on separating eggs on the YouTube channel, as you are eating your poached eggs on toast!
Weight loss and a healthy lifestyle are only successfully achieved by adopting a realistic approach. Losing weight is a great mood changer but it can be especially good if it involves quick healthy chocolate desserts on Mother’s Day! Treats, when taken in moderation, are part of a successful weight loss journey and a healthier lifestyle.
Booking an online Consultation to help get motivated to start afresh is a great way of managing your weight loss journey and enjoying treats in moderation. There’s also a series of videos on how Slim R Us works on the Instagram page which is interesting, especially as chocolate was a feature!
Recipe for a Quick Healthy Chocolate Dessert
Serves 4
Ingredients :
1 ¼ cups fat-free fromage frais.
A tub fat-free natural yoghurt
1 oz icing sugar
4 tsp low-fat drinking chocolate
4 tsp cocoa powder
1 tsp vanilla essence
2 tbsp dark rum (optional)
2 medium egg whites
Four white chocolate cake decorations — optional.
Mix the fromage frais & yoghurt in a bowl. Sift together the sugar, drinking chocolate, cocoa powder & mix well.
Add the vanilla essence & rum.
Whisk the egg whites until they are stiff, then using a metal spoon, fold the egg whites into the chocolate mixture.
Spoon the fromage frais & chocolate mixture into 4 small china dessert pots & leave to chill for about 30 mins.
Decorate with the chocolate cake decorations & serve with pieces of fresh fruit.