Ingredients for Yummy Healthy Fruit Snacks

Ingredients for Yummy Healthy Fruit Snacks are often overlooked when we shop! Even to have something in the store cupboard when we crave something sweet. Some advanced preparation for those days when we go off track and a little binge-eating, after a night out, especially if there has been some alcohol! It is amazing how the natural sugar in fruit can kill a sugar crave for chocolate! We have to be realistic when we are trying to lose weight!
Sugar Crave
Sometimes, the simple snacks are sitting in front of you wherever you are and a yummy healthy fresh fruit salad is an international dish. In hotels and guest houses, it can be found on the breakfast buffet or as a welcome basket. But, take a moment and prepare to lose weight with just a little effort. In less than five minutes, prepare a super fruit platter that can be nibbled over hours or served in a bowl as a perfect dessert. Chocolate and biscuits are so easy to reach for. Switching off a sugar craving is not easy and there are lots of treat suggestions in the recipe section! You could also subscribe to the Slim R Us YouTube channel for other tips and sweet ideas as they are added!
The ingredients
Fruit salad can be prepared with many types of fruit. There are no rules. Be aware of seasonal fruits as these are a bit cheaper. In early summer, home stores and garden centres sell strawberry baskets. These grow exceptionally well as hanging baskets or in pots. A full supply of sweet fresh strawberries is available throughout the season.
There are no secrets to yummy fruit snack recipes. Make sure you have cleaned the fruit very well. Insecticides rarely, if ever, are cleaned before reaching the consumer. Slice, cut, and chop fruits into bite-size pieces. Simply mix all the fruit together in a bowl. Add some chopped fresh mint to give the salad an extra boost of flavour.
Top with a nice dollop of yoghurt. I have used a fat-free yoghurt here, but low fat or regular would be perfectly fine also!
Moderation is the key to losing weight.
Fruit contains quite a bit of natural sugar while remaining a yummy healthy snack. It is also a great source of fibre and particularly important for those who may have digestive disorders such as IBS. Portion control and moderation is the hallmark of Slim R Us success! Therefore, replacing main meals with fruit alone is not advised as part of your weight loss journey. Enjoy this salad as a yummy healthy fruit snack in between meals or add it to a meal. For example with your morning cereal, or it makes a lovely addition to a lunchtime salad. When a dish looks pleasing to the eye, regardless of whether it’s part of a weight loss programme, it brings excitement back to meals.
Enjoy my video below on how to make a delicious Fresh Fruit Salad!