Sleep Apnoea and Snoring

Sleep Apnoea and Snoring leads to exhaustion and feeling fragile during the day

Sleep apnoea and snoring is pretty disturbing. Not only for the person suffering but also those in proximity who also have their sleep disturbed. Did you know, there’s a lot of fat that can gather around your neck, and that is the big cause of snoring, and sleep apnoea? Losing up to five percent of body weight, can have a dramatic effect on snoring and sleep apnoea.

Benefit from a healthier lifestyle

Learn to cook simple meals that are healthy and in turn aid your weight loss. Explore recipes, tips, ideas, and while not professional chefs, home cooking is an awful lot better. Think about what you used to cook before trying to lose weight. I bet a lot of it was just the same repetitive high fat foods such as chips and nuggets. Healthy eating can be much tastier eating with all the health benefits, including goodnight to Sleep Apnoea and Snoring!

Rest better and less stress.

Remember those days of getting up in the morning and not having slept well at night? Sleep Apnoea and Snoring can ruin a good, restful night when you should be recharging your body. It is also most likely weight related. This also leads to feeling stressed because of the excess weight. Struggling to move in the bed and tossing and turning during the night. With weight loss, you get up with a smile on your face.

Greater life expectancy with weight loss.

Turkey burger with vine tomatoes and chips
Tasty Turkey Burger with Vine Tomatoes and Red Onion

Improved life expectancy is probably not foremost of most peoples thoughts, as they embark on a weight loss programme and healthier lifestyle. But these are basic changes to your life, and it is amazing how it has improved your long term health.

As we approach the summer months, we start thinking about longer, brighter evenings. Think positive! Perhaps about cooking healthier meals, including tasty salads. Those nice heart-warming healthy barbecues, weather permitting!

Night sweats can interrupt sleep.

This is a drain on cognitive function and being able to focus the next day. Lack of sleep caused by sleep Apnoea and Snoring increases irritability and anxiety. All of which can lead to snacking, nibbling and picking. Make sure your bedroom is airy and well ventilated. Use cotton sheets and loose nightwear.

Can alcohol cause snoring?

There is no doubt, but some people experience excessive snoring following alcohol consumption. Often, those who are affected by Sleep Apnoea and Snoring, have existing issues and alcohol exacerbates the issue. Controlling your alcohol intake is important as it contributes to weight gain by making you feel hungry, or as many of us would know as a false appetite! This in turn leads to poor food choices.

Health Screening

This screen takes around a minute to complete. It will give you a very good indicator of your lifestyle and how healthy it is, by making you think about your daily habits.

For example:

  1. How often do you snack?
  2. How well do you sleep?
  3. Do you take regular exercise?

Once you have completed the screening process, you will be offered a free 3-day recipe plan, which is delivered immediately to your inbox!

You will also be able to avail of this month’s special Online Membership Offers. Online membership allows you to be flexible with your weight loss, your time, and gives you all the tools you need 24/7 for successful weight loss.

Lifestyle changes become MORE IMPORTANT as we age. We only have 1 body!

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