Show the love today for #LoveDonegal Day
Show the love today for #LoveDonegal. Today’s post is actually a really early morning start for me, but I just wanted to wish everybody, whether you live here in Donegal or anywhere around the world, a very happy #LoveDonegal day. It is an excellent initiative from everybody here in Donegal to #LoveDonegal on every single social media post.
Loving yourself as you lose weight
Staying on the subject of love for this short post, it is about having a positive attitude in whatever you do. Strangely enough, when it comes to weight loss, the people who find the greatest success have fantastic dedication and positivity. As today is dedicated to love, make the decision to ditch the guilt of having a treat. It is all part of your weight loss journey. Today is about Donegal people, just posting photographs, memories, no matter what it is. Businesses, like Slim R Us where I have so many lovely clients whom I consider to be my friends, successfully losing weight from all over the world. Not just Donegal, and the diaspora but all nationalities from all walks of life and, of course, my clients who come to see me here for in-house private consultations. I want to wish everybody a fabulous #LoveDonegal day today!
Can loving yourself make you lose weight?
Absolutely! Because if you have the desire and commitment, you can do anything! Have some realistic expectations and take baby steps in your weight loss journey. Show the love today, love yourself, it doesn’t matter what your weight is, today is about love and about sharing everything fantastic, that Donegal has to offer so tag, #LoveDonegal in every post that you have. You can tag and #SlimRUs, because as a small business here in Donegal, I totally depend on everybody sharing the love of Slim R Us!
Stress management is important
Today’s post is something completely different from what I normally post. I am so proud of my heritage and have taken this opportunity to encourage everyone to get Donegal trending today! In turn, you are also helping Slim R Us to trend also! Weight loss is an awful lot easier when there is a bit of love involved! We are happier, content and less stressed. All the ingredients for success! So it’s #LoveDonegal 2021! It’s the 18th of August today, so enjoy everything about today and well done. This is the third year of this fantastic initiative, so #LoveDonegal and have a great day.