Real People. Real Success.
Lucinda Farrell
From day one, Lucinda was committed to Slim R Us. She rarely, if ever, missed her class and came faithfully every week with her dear Mum and sisters. My fondest memory of her lovely Mum, who has since sadly passed away, is that she loved a little slice of apple tart on special occasions. Lucinda is as happy and lovely as her Mum. She chipped away each week at the pounds and soon they were adding up! Six stone off and Lucinda has a new life with new clothes and lots more energy. Lucinda was "so happy and proud of myself" on the night she lost her sixth stone. We couldn't be more proud of her too!
Marie O'Flanagan
Marie has been truly inspiring, particularly during the Coronavirus Pandemic. Pictures speak louder than words and with a young family to care for, Marie has continued to cook healthy options and take regular exercise. She said the Slim R Us encouragement helped her so much. In fact, Marie set herself a goal to climb to the top of a mountain local to her during the pandemic. She acheived it and Slim R Us is so proud of her fantastic achievement.
Mary Conway
Mary had a great attitude to her weight loss from her very first day. Planning and preparation became very important for her as she juggled her life as a busy student of photography, taking small steps to achieve her goal.
By her fifth week, Mary had lost 14 & 1/4 lbs and after 12 weeks had lost a fantastic 25 lbs. Mary said "January's gift for me was my may not always be easy but sticking with it makes it all worthwhile" Her favourite hashtags were #slimrus #smallgoals #onestepatatime Mary's graduation exhibition with her project, wearing a huge smile of deep pride, at her personal success! Mary regularly posted her progress on the Slim R Us Facebook page and inspired so many others with her positivity. We, at Slim R Us, are so proud!
Pamela Ewing
Pamela's weight loss took a journey that most of us know well and struggle with ourselves. Struggling some weeks and battling with herself to stay on track. But it was an amazing journey with a staggering five stone off in total. Pamela still enjoyed her holidays and weekends away, but the secret was always getting straight back to class. Pamela said 'Slim R Us is such a fab class'! Likewise, Slim R Us is equally proud of Pamela!
Rebecca Neely
The difference a year made in the life of Rebecca. A stunning five stone weight loss has transformed her. Shift work made it very important for Rebecca to plan ahead and make sure she had her healthy options ready. It was smart choices that helped her get to her goal weight. Weight does not magically disappear overnight and it takes the desire to feel and look better, one day at a time. Rebecca said the health benefits of her weight loss have been incredible. Coming to her Slim R Us class each week was not to missed! Congratulations on your fabulous commitment Rebecca!