Corn and Chicken Lunch

Corn and Chicken Lunch is a tasty meal using leftover cooked chicken.

Baked Potato and Beans Lunch

Baked Potato and Beans Lunch can even be cooked in a microwave at work!

Baby Potatoes and Tomato Salad

Baby Potatoes and Tomato Salad  makes a lovely lunch. You can add a hard-boiled egg to this or some cold meats.

Poached Egg and Hash Browns

Poached Egg and Hash Browns with mushrooms! If you have a leftover potato to add to this dish, it’s really tasty!

Pancakes and Fruit

Pancakes and Fruit from the healthy breakfast 7 Meals Ideas! These are made with couscous and taste great! Don’t forget, couscous is free in Slim R Us! If you have these pancakes for breakfast, you still have your bread or cereal allowance available to you!

Superfast Weetabix Muesli

Superfast Weetabix Muesli is a little different from the Homemade Muesli in the Breakfast section.

Beans on Toast

Beans on Toast was a staple as a child! Whether it was a breakfast, a lunch or late supper!

Spicy Tomato Christmas Chicken

Spicy Tomato Christmas Chicken has a little chopped chilli for some heat!

Potato & Bean Paté

Potato & Bean Paté is a lovely homemade dip for a seasonal party! Or just an excuse for one!  

Breakfast Brunch or Casserole

Breakfast Brunch or Casserole is for one of those late morning breakfasts! Double up on the ingredients for extra servings.