Lose weight and forget dieting

Normal family food to lose weight and forget dieting

Lose weight and forget dieting is what most overweight people struggle with because past experiences play a huge role in their lives.


Weight loss is a funny business, it can make you laugh and cry at the same time! I love food and slowly realised that food, good tasty food, is the key to the best weight loss healthy programmes. Weight gain in lockdown has been a major problem for the vast majority of us. Unlike hedgehogs emerging from winter hibernation, confinement did not affect our appetites. In fact, the constant nibbling and snacking became a serious issue, because it added another difficult component to weight loss journeys.

Shopping list for store cupboard foods
Make a list of reasons of why you want to lose weight

Cook simple healthy recipes.


Getting back to basics is the simplest way to lose weight and forget dieting.

Ditch the drama and the guilt. If you enjoy food, you already have the tools to lose excess pounds because the trick is to plan ahead. Tins of vegetables, dried pasta and tomato sauces are the hero store cupboard foods because they can be adapted to many recipes.

Weight loss and losing weight is not about starvation or depriving yourself of food. Weight loss diets endorsing fasting and starvation régimes are always short-lived and rarely successful. Losing weight is about making the correct choices because good choices are smart choices. Recipes and ideas are posted here and in social media for you to follow, cook for your family and enjoy as this is everyday family food.

Every pound of weight loss counts and adds up
Every pound of weight loss counts

Online weight loss


How to lose weight and forget dieting is on a lot of minds right now. It doesn’t matter how long it took to gain weight. The expectations are high that this excess weight will be lost in superfast time! The internet and Google are awash with searches for the dream diet. The plan that is going to somehow overnight magically make those pounds disappear. But the reality is, weight loss is something you must make a little plan for, but give it time also.  There are lots of unproven, indeed unhealthy promises to sway your mind and your wallet. Slimming foods are on every shopping list, but in what form?


Making Smart Choices will yield success.


No matter what you decide to do, once you plan to make those smart choices, those healthier choices, you will see great results.  Planning to lose weight fast and get healthy is a little contradictory. The focus is still on the speed of your weight loss. Think logically of what are your personal issues with weight. What foods do you eat that you know, deep in your heart and soul, that has contributed to your weight gain. Some people eat good healthy meals throughout the day but by 7pm or 8pm, are already snacking on a family size pack of crisps.


When you go shopping, think of basic store cupboard foods and of how to lose weight without dieting. The hero foods to be relied on when stuck. I am talking about Pasta, tinned vegetables, tomato based Pasta sauces. These are the basic ingredients of a quick, easy meal to cook when you are hungry when possibly tempted to call the local take-away delivery service. Or a selection of fresh vegetables to make a delicious winter soup!

Butternut Squash Soup

Lose weight in 2022


Book Your Consultation HERE today. Karen is a Registered General Nurse. As an online member, clients have a monthly consultation included in your membership.

Private ONE2ONE consultations in clinics in Letterkenny, Donegal takes around 10-15 minutes for returning clients. New Clients take around 40 minutes.

Special Online Offers for every budget. Pay as you go or avail of the great bundles!

For some people, attending a Consultation is time-consuming, or at awkward times. Have you tried Online weight loss? It is flexible to suit your own schedule. Online weight loss in Slim R Us is the next best thing to in house clinics. You can still Book your online virtual Consultation with Karen and log your weight results. Taking One Step at a Time starts the moment you make the decision to start!

Ready to Begin Your Journey? Get Started Today!

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